- Monday
- Bio HW (see prev. post)
- Filipino - writing period + discussion
- STR - distribution of mid-quarter grades(?)
- WebDev project
- Tuesday
- Chem - LT
- Math - quiz most probably
- Friday
- Physics -LT
- Health - LT
- Bio - Mythbusters
For the next weeks:
- Math - LT on July 27
- Bio - LT on July 29
- STR - Field trip on July 29
- SocSci - Caf 'marshalling' on perio week.
- Ramayanaaaa.
- Filipino - essay on opinion due on July 27
I'm not sure if this is complete na. Sorryy. :)
Individual Topics for RB2 due on Monday. Choose as a group whether Life Sci or Physical Sci Category then choose the Field of Interest,after which, each member must look for his/her own topic under that category and area.